The truth behind Thor’s Well, the notorious ‘sinkhole’ on the Oregon Coast

“Sitting on the edge of the Oregon coast is what appears to be a gaping sinkhole that never seems to fill despite the unbroken stream of sea water that drains into it, but Thor’s Well, as the natural wonder is known, is not bottomless, but it is very dangerous.” – Atlas Obscura

Some call it a “gaping sinkhole,” the “drainpipe of the Pacific” even a “gate to hell.” It’s known as a bucket list item for any thrill-seeking photographer, but a place that will swallow you whole if you venture too close…

Edgar Allen Poe would be proud, but all the dark language is just talk – in truth, Thor’s Well is just another interesting, albeit treacherous, feature of the wild Oregon coast.

What is it?
Located in the Cape Perpetua Scenic Area, just three miles south of Yachats, Thor’s Well is a bowl-shaped hole carved out of the rough basalt shoreline. According to Gary Hayes, publisher of Coast Explorer Magazine, the feature likely started out as a sea cave dug out by the waves before the roof eventually collapsed, leaving openings at the top and bottom through which the ocean surges and sprays.

Circular shape aside, it’s not so different from the other features around it- rugged Cook’s Chasm, a spouting horn and nearby Devil’s Churn – but its shape and location, right against the Pacific Ocean, result in some pretty unusual behavior.

At high tide, the waves roll underneath the bowl, filling it from the bottom until it bubbles out the top or bursts up in violent spray. The water then rolls back into the hole, making Thor’s Well appear to fill and drain endlessly. It’s fun to watch when the ocean is high, but return at low tide to see the mechanisms at work.

Despite its reputation, Thor’s Well isn’t particularly dangerous – at least no more so than the unforgiving Pacific Ocean that flows through it.

Vicki Penwell, a lead field ranger with the Siuslaw National Forest, said it’s certainly a treacherous spot, but not for the reasons people generally think.

Since May, there have been three incidents at the site, she said, all people who have been hit by sneaker waves while looking at the feature. They didn’t get sucked into the hole (or transported to hell), but got plenty of scrapes and cuts against the sharp volcanic rock.

After all, it’s the ocean that’s dangerous, she explained, not Thor’s Well.

A sneaker wave can drag you to a watery grave anywhere along the Oregon coast, whether you’re standing at the edge of a chasm or just walking down the beach. Thor’s Well is unique by shape and behavior only – otherwise, it’s just another fascinating hole in the basalt.

But there’s still something that draws people close. On any given summer afternoon, a group of tourists gathers cautiously around the rim, peering inside, fixated with an insatiable curiosity. Come high tide, photographers arrive with tripods in hand to tempt fate at the edge of the Pacific.

There are plenty of other rugged and beautiful sites all around it, but Thor’s Well seems to be special. Maybe there is something mystical about it – but that power comes courtesy of the ocean, not the hole that it carved in the rock.

To get to Thor’s Well, park at the Cook’s Chasm pull-out .3 miles south of the Cape Perpetua Visitor Center. You can see the hole from the viewpoints, or walk down the steps for a better look. You can also get to the spot via a trail connecting several points in the Cape Perpetua Scenic Area.


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