15+ Captivating Birds, So Unusually Beautiful, You’d Think Were From Another Planet!

There are really no boundaries when it comes to diversity in the animal kingdom and birds are no exception to this rule, especially with birds and their appearance.

In fact, some birds look so outlandish they appear as though they could quite possibly come from another planet!

That being the case we have put together some photos of the most beautiful and most unusual birds from all over the world. Some are quite simply amazing.

1/ Yellow Throated Toucan

Photo Courtesy of Instagram

2/ Greater Prairie-Chicken

Photo Courtesy of Instagram

3/ Altamira Oriole

Photo Courtesy of Instagram

4/ Blue Paradise Flycatcher

Photo Courtesy of Instagram

5/ Crowned pigeon

Photo Courtesy of Instagram

6/ Bare-necked Umbrellabird

Photo Courtesy of Instagram/native_marsh

7/ European Robin

Photo Courtesy of Instagram

8/ Dwarf Kingfisher

Photo Courtesy of Instagram

9/ Strawberry Finch

Photo Courtesy of Instagram

10/ Painted Bunting

Photo Courtesy of Instagram

11/ Guianan cock-of-the-rock

Photo Courtesy of Instagram

12/ Bearded Reedling

Photo Courtesy of Instagram

13/ Northern red bishop

Photo Courtesy of Instagram

14/ Purple-rumped Sunbird

Photo Courtesy of Instagram

15/ Shoebill

Photo Courtesy of Instagram/Tim Flach Photography

16/ Polish Chicken

Photo Courtesy of Instagram/Tim Flach Photography

17/ Wilsons Bird of Paradise

Photo Courtesy of Serhanoksay / CC BY-SA 3.0


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