In a thrilling adventure, a brave man embarked on a three-day solo camping trip in his new boat, carrying no food and relying solely on
A recently published video on YouTube has sparked a frenzy among the online community, showcasing the sight of remarkably gigantic lobsters. The YBS Youngbloods, a
In the latest episode of BlacktipH, we embarked on a thrilling adventure as we went fishing with some of the strongest men on the planet,
There are many instances in nature where a mother is found taking care of her babies. However a Canadian man named Mike Digout accidentally discovered a
A FISHERMAN landed a record breaking monster catch when he reeled in a 500lb tuna. Sea charter skipper Andrew Alsop, 48, fought with the fish
Cats are known for their naps with an average of 16 hours of sleep per day. With so much sleep time in their daily schedules,
We all know how grateful we are for the ones who stood by us in our bad days. We were able to pass that bad
We all have seen chickens. They are boring and there is nothing stunning about them at all. However, when you have a creative mind, you
Dragons are a form of mythical creatures that are quite popular among many who love playing games or watching fantasies on the television. Recently, an
Svetlana and Yuriy Pantaleenko, a Russian couple adopted a 300lb bear named Stephan when he was only three years of age. He was an orphaned