There are about 338 different species of hummingbirds – an amazing family of birds found only in the New World. Their stunning plumage, their ability
A variety of bananas called the Dacca red banana, also known as the red banana cultivar, is gaining popularity in Australia. Compared to regular bananas,
Dotted around the northern regions of California are a handful of the oldest redwoods and giant sequoias in the world, reaching up to the skies
Tһe Stгапɡeѕt Mutапt Pіпeаppleѕ іп tһe Wᴏгld Pіпeаpple, а tгᴏріᴄal fгuіt kпᴏwп fᴏг іtѕ ѕweet апd tапɡy tаѕte, һаѕ Ƅeeп eпjᴏyed Ƅy рeᴏрle аll агᴏuпd
Aѕ аutumn ѕetѕ іn, fаrmers аcross the сountryside аre hаrd аt work brіngіng іn theіr hаrvest. For mаny, thіs іs the moѕt rewаrding tіme of
At first glance, it may seem dangerous, but the truth behind these heart-stopping Instagram shots at some of these famous rocky cliffs may surprise you!
All over the world, there exist boulders that are perched and balanced for tens of thousands of years without any noticeable movement. These are the
In Chinese martial arts literature and films, Snow Lotus, also known as Snow Plum Blossom is a legendary herb with miraculous effects on rejuvenation and
The Strange and Fascinating Hydnora Africana: A Parasitic Plant with an Unusual Appearance and Scent
Often known as “dog food,” Hydnora Africana is a parasitic plant species that is considered one of the strangest in the world. Relatives of this
Spring snow over blooming tulips Thousands of tulips got under snow on the biggest tulip farm in Moldova. In the middle of March tens thousands