30 Hilarious Bird Photography Fails That Got Posted On This Facebook Group (New Pics)

As the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards have shown us time and time again, animal photos don’t have to be perfect to put a smile on our face.

But the Facebook group ‘Crap bird photography’ takes this notion to another level. As the people behind the online community explain in its About section, the group is dedicated to those images that aren’t up to scratch.

“You know the story: there’s always something in the way, they just won’t pose right; the camera does something it shouldn’t; wrong exposure, fuzzy photos, can’t get the bird in the frame, etc, etc,” they write. “We preferably want photos of wild birds. Funny photos are acceptable, but keep in mind the main emphasis should be on photos gone wrong.”

So continue scrolling to check out the group’s latest viral posts and fire up our first publication on it for the earlier ones!
#1 Now Bank Left. The Other Left

#2 One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others

Wildlife conservation photographer Carla Rhodes told Bored Panda that she loves working with birds. “Simply put, they keep you on your toes as a wildlife photographer.”

“They are magical creatures coming in a stunning array of colors, shapes, and sizes. All wildlife photography is challenging, especially birds who are often far away, tiny, and incredibly quick… Especially when they are in flight!” she said.
#3 Bit Tricky, This Cr*p Birdie Photography… “Swan Lake”

#4 I Was Told This Belongs Here. My Husband And Nugget

#5 The Rarely Seen Fish Tailed Osprey!

Rhodes, who’s done a lovely project called ‘Beneath The Bird Feeder,’ said that the environment is a key part of wildlife photography.

“By showing the animal’s environment in the photo, you are able to communicate a larger story, especially about the habitat in which the animal occurs.”

“Birds live in many different types of environments, which can create stunning and varied photos. On the flip side, this can create challenging situations (for example, warblers who are tiny, speedy, and often high up in trees or in dense thickets),” she explained.
#6 Very Fast

#7 Have Been Trying To Land A Photo Of A Darwinian Finch – This One Was Having None Of It…

#8 Someone Pulled The Plug

#9 This Is What Happens When You Try To Take A Nice Photo At The Beach

But the thing Rhodes loves most about birds is their varied personalities. “Some birds are shy, some are more friendly and some are highly intelligent and possibly plotting to take over the world (I’m looking at you, corvids)!”

“For further example: endangered greater adjutant storks in India are one of my favorite birds that I’ve ever photographed. I found these 5-foot-tall birds to have a stoic and commanding presence.”

“Closer to home here in the Catskill Mountains of New York, USA, I find black-capped chickadees and dark-eyed juncos to be especially curious and hilarious subjects.”
#10 This Magpie Is The Mascot. It Has Pie In Its Mouth

#11 Excuse Me. Did You Say Something?

#12 As An Avid Bird Photographer, I Know The Value Of Waiting For The Exact Moment And Angle Where A Bird Is Presented In All Of His Magnificent Glory. And So I Give You “Twisted Egret”

#13 Words Fail Me

However, according to the State of the World’s Birds report, which is released every four years by BirdLife International, the expansion and intensification of agriculture is putting pressure on 73% of species.

Logging, invasive species, exploitation of natural resources, and climate breakdown are the other main threats.
#14 Back Before I Had Chickens Of My Own And I Didn’t Know How To Pick Them Up

#15 Nailed It

#16 Now, I Know There’s A Labour Shortage Currently, But This Is Scraping The Bottom Of The Barrel Woolworths. This Guy Seems To Be Dawdling Very Near To The Bird Seed Too

#17 Taken Today

Globally, 49% of bird species are in decline, one in eight are being threatened with extinction, and at least 187 species are confirmed or suspected to have gone extinct since 1500.

Most of these have been endemic species living on islands, although there is an increase in birds now going extinct on larger land masses, particularly in tropical regions.

In Ethiopia, for example, the conversion of grassland to farmland has caused an 80% decrease in endemic Liben larks since 2007.
#18 I Am Particularly Proud Of This Excellent Shot. This Wonderful Ostrich Kept Trying To Eat My String On My Hoodie. I Have No Idea Why It Has Zombie Eyes In This Photo. It Was Totally Normal In Person

#19 In Case You’re Hankering To Peer Down A Goose’s Tonsils, Claude Is Here To Help

#20 I Was Really On The Ball That Day

#21 My First Submission

Just 6% of bird species globally are increasing. “We have to stop these declines and start getting on track for recovery,” Dr. Stuart Butchart, chief scientist at BirdLife International, said.

“Our future, as well as the world’s birds, depends on it. If we continue to unravel the fabric of life, we’re going to continue to place our own future at threat.”
#22 Last Man Standing

#23 Bad Hair Day

#24 I’ve Never Managed To Get A Good Pic Of The Stunning Bright Green Parakeets In London – Until Today

#25 Thought I Got A Great Photo Of A White Ibis. Thinking, Now, It Might Just Be One Of Lady Gaga‘S Hats

#26 “I Wear The Pants In This Family, And I Won’t Stand For It,” Clucked Charles. But He *was* Standing… And He *wasn’t* Wearing Pants…

#27 Some Of Us Have Never Held A Chicken Before And It Shows

#28 Birds Eating (What’s Left Of!) My Delicious Cake!

#29 And Now, In Local News; Empty Suet Feeder Sends Backyard Red-Bellied Woodpecker Into Full Blown, Feather Temper Tantrum, Literally “Flipping The Bird” At Homeowner, As She Casually Takes Photo Of The Event. Details On This Story Are A Little Blurry

#30 A Camera-Shy Seagull


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