Woman Taken To Hospital With Shark Attached To Her Arm After Being Bitten In The Ocean

Any story that involves being bitten by a shark is pretty interesting anecdote material, but one woman this morning became part of one of the weirdest shark attack stories we’v ever heard.

A woman was rushed to hospital with a shark still attached to her arm today, after she was attacked in the sea.

The 23 year old woman, who was swimming in the ocean off the shore of Florida was bitten by the nursing shark, in the shallows.

Paramedics were unable to remove the shark on the beach, so both the woman and the shark were sent to A&E in the hospital.

The other side to this story however, is that witnesses say that the woman was seen messing around, trying to touch the small shark while snorkeling.

“The shark wouldn’t give up”

Nurse sharks can grow up to 14ft in the wild, but are not an aggressive breed. The breed will usually only bite in defense when under stress and threat.

Witness Shlomo Jacob told the Sun Sentinel : “The shark wouldn’t give up. It was barely breathing but it wasn’t letting go of her arm, like it was stuck to her or something.”

The shark died on the beach, but still wouldn’t unlock from the woman’s arm.

When playing at the beach this summer, always respect the animals that use it as their home!


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